Filing paperwork is one of the most boring and often stressful home organizing tasks. No wonder we put it off and see growing heaps of paper mixed with trash. The day we need a specific document among the mess, and it's the worst feeling! Like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Let's give … Continue reading Paperwork sorting in your Home Office!
Category: Plus de place chez moi!
How to Get Everyone in the House to Clean Up the Mess!
© Andrivy Popov/123RF Struggling to have a clutter-free home on your own, with another adult, or with teens and young kids in your living space? Upgrade your equipment to make chores easier and faster …because chores are a bore, right? For example, take a robot vacuum cleaner that cleans the whole apartment while you’re away … Continue reading How to Get Everyone in the House to Clean Up the Mess!
How decluttering can benefit your life
Have a hard time decluttering unopened mail, clothes and long-forgotten toys? Here are reasons decluttering is good for you: 1. You will be more efficient. Effeciency comes with not having to try too hard to getting things done. Let's take an example: keeping up with healthy habits. Decluttering your kitchen will often help you to … Continue reading How decluttering can benefit your life
10 smart and easy cleaning tips for a healthier home
© Lisa870/123RF Contrary to popular belief, the air you breathe in your home can be more polluted than outside air. Nasty stuff can be found in furniture coverings, insulation, dust mites, household products and the CO2 we breathe. The air we inhale irritates our organs like our lungs and blood, which circulates in our brain … Continue reading 10 smart and easy cleaning tips for a healthier home
Teens, how to live your best year ever!
Teens : How to live your best year ever! Being a teenager is a fun, but challenging time, isn’t it? You manage a lot. Through a few easy steps, you will be able to stay on top of your schoolwork, room, friends, social media, sports and ALL of your activities! If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all … Continue reading Teens, how to live your best year ever!
Fashion: green is the new black, and how to get there!
© Adrienne Leonard/Unsplash Fast and cheaper fashion today means we are tempted to fill our closets with unnecessary items that are hardly worn. It’s hard to not feel a tinge of guilt when environmentalist Greta Thunberg is taking the world by storm with her call for environmental action. CEOs like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are known for having worn the … Continue reading Fashion: green is the new black, and how to get there!
How to sell your house or apartment fast and at the best price!
Staging will help you make an excellent first impression! And that is essential to attracting buyers, whether it be when they search online and look at your photos, or actually visit your home. That's why you need to read this article, to learn how to successfully home stage your home to sell it fast and at … Continue reading How to sell your house or apartment fast and at the best price!
How to find the perfect present !
Have you ever noticed that your loved one (be it your spouse, a family member, or a friend) just doesn’t seem to appreciate your presents that much? Maybe it’s time you got better at speaking ... your love languages! Inspired by Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages. For you to feel your love tank is … Continue reading How to find the perfect present !